There is a recent article by a prof from INSEAD. They tend to quantify what we have been knowing since a long time but haven't been able to prove yet! In fact, sometime back I had heard a saying, you can prove anything if you have enough data. So, we did not have the data and I assume that the prof in question and his colleague, are relying on data for this disclosure.
They call it the 'Experience Trap'.
They have tried to remove the belief that experience of senior managers helps in taking better decisions. In fact, as we would have already seen, there have been many instances when the wrong lessons learnt will really be slowing down the project pace than helping anyone.
How many times does this happen and can anything be done until the damage really occurs?
Well, the word is 'relevant' experience is something that will help in such cases. Just because a person has more than two decades of experience may not always help. And many a times, a fresh approach of a relatively less experienced person might be a better way to solutions.
As I said in the beginning, its all about data. To quote the site that details this, "Sengupta says it’s not as though companies don’t have the information or they don’t want to give it to managers, but “they don’t give it in a way that the managers can understand what’s going on and draw conclusions that can help them in this and future projects.”"
Well, this is quite true, isn't it?
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