Saturday, March 14, 2009

Top Three Difficulties of Working from Home

Credits for this article to Victor Rodrigues, For the original article, click here.

While working from home brings benefits like family time, sometimes these very benefits can turn into difficulties. Here is a list of the top three difficulties faced by home entrepreneurs: 

1. Work-Life Balance 
While your work-from-home idea stemmed from your desire to balance your work and family life, working from home can tilt the balance completely towards family obligations. Attending to household chores is a full time job. If you include all these chores in your work-from-home life, you'll soon find your business crowded out. Ask any housewife, household chores never end. Organize help to take care of your household chores. The help could even come from your older kids. 

2. Lack of Workspace 
Working from home allows you to create your own comfort zone. If you have a big house, you can easily designate one room to be your workplace. If there are bigger kids, you can easily keep this room out of bounds by locking it. The problem comes if you live in a small apartment with no spare room for your workspace. You would then set up your workspace either in your bedroom, living room, or in the hallway. With bigger kids, it would be very difficult to keep your workspace protected. Setting up a system of locks and cabinets might help you resolve this issue until you move into a bigger house. 

3. Not Being Taken Seriously 
Working from home gives you the freedom to interact with people you choose. However, a home business would not instill the kind of confidence that an organization in the same business inspires. People may not take you seriously because many tend to consider home businesses as little hobbies. Home business owners should therefore project a professional business image. This can be done with the help of a professional looking website, business cards, and other arrangements associated with regular businesses. 

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