Monday, July 27, 2009

Andy Bruce - The Golden Rules of Innovation

Full Article Here

Brief: Like any other core business process there are some 'rules' of innovation management which will maximise the probability of success. These come under what we call "The 6 Ps":

PLANNING - Innovation must be linked to strategy
  • Successful leaders link core business processes to their strategic goals and annual business planning targets, and innovation is no exception. Use a product-market matrix to clarify the extent and direction of your innovation. Without a strategic direction you run the risk of coming up with innovations that run counter to your businesses best interests! (Read more..)

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Nothing But Zero: Nissan Electric Car


Text from Nissan's official site:

Zero emissions isn't a future endeavor. It isn't hype. It's happening.
Right now Nissan is doing everything it takes to make electric driving a daily reality. Starting with a pure electric car. Not a hybrid, not even a plug-in hybrid. But a zero-emission electric vehicle made for the real world of highways, morning commutes and everyday living.

USA Today's Review: Click Here

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Friday, July 24, 2009

The Next Energy Innovators - BW

BusinessWeek and have assembled a list of 25 intriguing energy startups, including young companies that tap geothermal heat, turn waste into biodiesel, and more By Pete Engardio and Adam Aston (Full Story)

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The Collector: Jatin Das - WSJ


Brief: Village fairs have always captivated Jatin Das. As a boy growing up in the eastern Indian state of Orissa, the artist, now 67 years old, would return home from bustling fairs with armfuls of brightly lacquered handcrafted toys. (A doting grandmother often indulged him.) 
So began his odyssey as a collector, recalls Mr. Das, now a renowned painter. While his artistic ambitions eventually led him to the prestigious Sir J.J. School of Art in Mumbai and subsequently to establish a home and studio in New Delhi, he still travels to Orissa at least six times a year to (Read full article)

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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Chrome vs Bing vs you and me - Economic Times

This is an article on The Economic Times:

Brief: The battle between Microsoft and Google entered a new phase last week with the announcement of Google’s Chrome Operating System – a direct attack on Microsoft Windows.
This isn’t the first salvo in a war that has already seen Google lob its Chrome Web browser against Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, Google pit its Android smart-phone operating system against Microsoft’s Windows Mobile, and Microsoft, in turn, aim its new search technology, Bing, against Google’s very heart – the Google search engine.
This is all heady stuff and (

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Sunday, July 5, 2009

Being Wireless

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How Individuals Could Help India's Infrastructure


The single largest problem facing India on its path towards economic glory is the lack of adequate infrastructure. Every aspect of infrastructure in our country is decades behind the developed world and even our Southeast Asian neighbors. The pace of infrastructure development in the Gulf region and in some African countries is probably better than that in India. Every area of our economic endeavors – be it agriculture, industry or services -- is suffering seriously due to the absence of adequate infrastructure support. There is a crying need for the government to take vital steps in this direction. Massive infrastructure spending at this stage will set in motion a huge virtuous economic chain reaction which would definitely benefit the overall economy significantly. Read full article...

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