Thursday, November 5, 2009

Why violence

Why does someone resort to sudden violence? It is not about people whose way of living is violence but about people who are very peaceful historically - and then are found to resort to unimaginable levels of violence. There is an observation that if someone who is not addicted to anything (say, smoking) starts an addiction, (s)he ends up being more addicted than normal folks. It is as if a suppressed feeling is suddenly let out once the borders of tolerance are broken.. The recent Maoist violence in the country is an example of this behavior. It is the lack of basic resources that they have been deprived of continuously in the last many decades and this has resulted in such a outrage. In fact, one of the groups is named as 'People against police atrocities'. Instead of looking at the visible violence, we really need to look deeper at the root causes involved.. ..

It's a failure of listening to the people. If the state consistently doesn't listen to the people who are the sovereign, then what results may seem like "irrationality."

Shall we start listening please..? I am sure this internal violence is a passing phase for the country's economic growth. In fact, the mineral rich tribal areas are going to further contribute to the economy once peace prevails.

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