Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Dilbert Devotee

Are you one of the many fellows who really worshipped Dilbert till they themselves come to management roles? Or you haven't still been in the management role yet!

I had a manager, long time back, who used to put Dilbert strips cut out from the newspaper, on his walls. It used to be a great experience dealing with him, because he had enough
sense to laugh at himself!

A Dilbert Devotee in you is born much before you get your first job. You seem to feel the same kind of feelings that every employee feels at the beginning (in fact, many of them are genuine issues). Gradually, you tend to learn more and more, till you can really laugh at the realistic issues posed by Dilbert comic strips.

Here is a Dilbert strip I found with a random search on the Internet. Please find more about Dilbert at his official blog site (click here).

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